Due to high visitor pressure this summer, the fire wood has run out in several places. We are working full time to drive firewood to all places right now. Sackwood is also available for purchase at the Infocenter in Lenungshammar.
The following windshelters/fireplaces have little fire wood at the moment: place nr 7 (where there is no wind shelter due to a fire), 13 Bränäsdalen, 25 Bergtjärn, 29 Skärvattnet, 37 Älmheds Långtjärn, 8 Östra Kalvudden, 36 Holmetjärn, 32 Mjögtvängen, 41 Sandtjärn, 44 Svarthagstjärnet och 34 Svarttjärn.
We are uppdating this information continuously. Latest update 15 november 2021.