Start from our infocentre in Lenungshammar
Lenungshammar is the “heart” of the Glaskogen Nature Reserve. Here you will find our information centre with a campsite, mini supermarket, café, canoe and bicycle hire and a service complex with showers and laundry facilities.
Stora Gla and Övre Gla are two nearby lakes with excellent fishing. You can hire boats for these lakes at our information centre, which can also advise you on routes, activities and accommodation.
Opening hours
For this winter our infocentre has moved in to Café Carl. At our cosy café you find information, reception and souvenirshop. And you will always get a warm cup of coffee.
The Infocentre is open monday to friday between 11:00-15:00.
Telephone +46-570-440 70
[email protected]